Monday, July 26, 2010

10 Days till lift off!

The full moon has descended.

"We're entering the heart of Summer, the heart of the year, the heart of the Lion. Leo is concerned with leaving a mark. The creative principle of the Sun is in its most regal form in this fiery and fixed sign. Its time to shine, to sing, to dance, to answer our own call to be a creative force for change, for a more art full life.
The Moon in Aquarius encourages sharing our emotions with the collective family and to trust in tribe and community. Mercury, also in Leo, opposes Neptune also in Aquarius. We might find it hard to concentrate on the tasks at hand as the fog of Neptune seeks to dissolve egotistical separation. That we are a large earth family is highlighted by this full Moon.
Our Venus may be stirred by impulsive Mars, both in Virgo, as they both approach Saturn. Mars opposes Uranus on July 30th, conjoins Saturn on the 31st and squares Pluto on August 3rd stimulating the cardinal T square active all year. This is happening while Saturn is forming its last exact opposition to Uranus.

There should be some breakthroughs in many of the issues that have been tormenting us during this time of massive transformation. Its time to let go of the ego and more truthfully align with our inner purpose as the winds of change blow through our lives.

The old paradigms are crumbling and dying to be replaced by a more sustainable reality. As they both are entering the Cardinal signs of Aries and Libra this last opposition is marking the beginning of a new era empowered by Pluto in Capricorn reforming leadership as we know it. Jupiter inspires to whole formation conjoining Uranus and Mars throws a little of its fire when it conjoins Saturn. At the time and following this full Moon the Cardinal T square will include 4 of the 5 outer planets. These are indeed powerful times.

Take advantage of these transformational times, take courage in that we're all in this together and let your freak flag fly.

- Martin Comtois of

The winds may blow a little hard trying to sweep us off our feet, but we remain balanced, centered and Grounded to the infinite.

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